Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 10, 2024

I got a new picture of my daughter in the flower field which I really like.  Then in the evening we could see something I never thought I'd get to see- aurora borealis.  It started fairly bright, with streaks of green and glowing areas of red.  At times it was hard to see, or looked like low clouds reflecting city lights, but there were no clouds.  We watched for over an hour.  Many people's photos show it brighter and with a magenta color but what we saw was a little bit dimmer and either bright green or red.  The lines ran up to a point straight above us, looking like a dome.  I adjusted my photos to look very close to what we saw color-wise, and just a little bit brighter.  My son got a time lapse from his drone as well.  Northern lights are supposed to be possible all weekend but it looks like a lot of clouds for the next few days. 



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