Monday, May 4, 2020

May 1, 2020

Today was interesting.  We saw a peregrine falcon in the back yard with a bird it had just killed.  For years I thought I saw a falcon but never had a photo to be sure.  I got some blurry photos this time.  I suspect it lives in the old barn nearby.  Later we went for a walk and saw this huge bird.  After looking around on the internet, we believe it is a juvenile bald eagle.  I found out it takes up to five years for them to get their black feathers and white head and tail.  Until then, they look mottled like this.  For many years there have been reports of bald eagle nests in a lake due west of us, which was the direction this bird was flying.  I am not sure I've ever seen one of them in the wild until today.  Two rare birds in one evening!

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