Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 27, 2020

Some of my tomatoes are growing.  This week our governor closed 'non-essential' business on Tuesday to try to slow the spread of the virus.  Unfortunately, nearly every business has declared themselves 'essential' and so not much has changed, except that many people are shopping like it's Christmas Eve.  My son went to an allergy shot appointment yesterday.  They called and had him come in early to spread out the appointments, had him use hand sanitizer, checked his temperature twice, and had him segregated in his own room.  He noticed on the drive that the grocery store parking lots were full, and even Harbor Freight was crowded on a Thursday morning.  I worry that this is when it spreads like wildfire and in a couple weeks we'll have full hospitals and lots of dying people, like Italy and New York City right now.

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