Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 3, 2015

This evening our electric went out.  Not just out, it flicked on and off quickly and repeatedly for several minutes.  I've got a reaction when the electric goes out to quickly unplug my computer so nothing bad happens to it.  But this time, I worried that everything electrical would break.  I've never seen the electric go on and off like that for so long.  After a minute or two we flipped the main breaker in the basement to make it stop.  I stepped outside and could see neighboring house lights flicking on and off for another minute or so.  It was only out for an hour or two, but I'm still worried about any appliances breaking.  So far, everything is working as far as we can tell.  After it came back on, we saw this truck driving down the road shining a light at the poles.  I'm not sure what he was looking for.

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