Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015

We had a long, steady, heavy rain this morning.  It was enough to flood our low spots, making a steam.  It's got a fairly decent current and will go away after it stops raining.  Our new garden is near the stream and got flooded.  Not enough to do anything much besides uncover all the little rocks.  But I saw the sweet potato hill had ended up making a dam and had waterfalls eroding dirt between the plants, so I got a shovel to cut out a spot for the water to flow.  My husband came out and got carried away, digging a trench along the side of the garden.  I think he wiped out my second attempt to get some spaghetti squash growing while he was at it.  We're thinking next year it will be okay if we just make the rows going the long way so the stream just goes between the plants.

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