Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 1, 2012

My daughter the kindergarten dictator: She got in trouble for lying, so instead of playing the computer, she had to sit at the table. She cried for a little bit, then got busy writing. Lately, she's been writing stuff: words, and recently sentences, which she sounds out herself. I was caught off guard when she handed me this. Translation: " To mom: I love you mom now I don't like you anymore because you hurt my feelings and you didn't let me play on the computer. If you want me to be happy then let me play on the computer." There's so many emotions here- I'm thrilled she can write so well, on her own, and with decent handwriting. But her little attitude needs some work! Obviously, she already knows how to pull on the heartstrings. Can't wait for the teenage years!

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