Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020

These are some of the parts for my tech project- an ergonomic powered screwdriver.  My group was voted best project, which is a nice way to finish off school.  I only have one more test before I'm finished.

April 29, 2020

Our cats enjoyed an open window today.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020

It's the time of spring when the lawn is full of dandelions.

April 27, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 26, 2020

I guess this is the new sign of the times.  Yesterday we went to my mom's to do yardwork so everyone wore masks.  Today I washed them and hung them up to dry.  Unfortunately, it seems this will be a regular sight in my laundry room for the foreseeable future.

April 25, 2020

Our pear tree has a lot of blossoms coming in.

April 24, 2020

April 23, 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020

My husband made a longer handle for our tree trim blade and had to go try it out today.

April 21, 2020

Our gas points were expiring today so we went to get gas this evening.  The station looked abandoned due to the shut down for the virus.  Usually there's quite a few cars there but we were the only ones for a while.  For several reasons, gas is cheap right now- it was $1.29/ gallon.

April 20, 2020

Mayapples are popping up through the dead leaves.

April 19, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 18, 2020

The wildflowers are starting to bloom.

April 17, 2020

We get half-n-half from the produce place down the road.  Since we got a good amount of snow today we made ice cream with the half-n-half.

April 16, 2020

We got some more snow.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020

It's starting to snow more often in April than it did the previous months.  We got our government pandemic payment in the bank today.  They give extra for kids, but only one of ours counted.

April 14, 2020

We picked up some cheese from the restaurant supplier down the road- around 8 pounds of swiss and 9 of provolone.  The swiss says it's good until August and we'll certainly have it eaten by then.  The provolone doesn't have a date.  Both taste pretty good.  We've already sent a chunk of each to the neighbor. 

April 13, 2020

Homework again.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 12, 2020

We stayed home for Easter and managed to get a game played after supper.  It didn't feel like a holiday since we didn't visit anyone.

April 11, 2020

I had some coloring kits I bought on clearance last year, so we were able to dye eggs for Easter.  Most of the eggs I have are brown so we dyed a few.  Once of them turned out olive green.

April 10, 2020

I spent most of yesterday and today printing parts for my tech project class.  On Monday I'll mail it to one of my partners, since we can't meet up anywhere.  Luckily we can print postage here at home so I can send it without getting close to anyone outside of the house.

April 9, 2020

We got some snow for a while.  It did not stick, but the flakes were huge.

April 8, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7, 2020

We made another order with the nearby restaurant supplier.  I got a reusable bag this time!  Everything we had last week was really good, especially the fruit.  I don't know how restaurants get better quality produce than the grocery stores, but we're enjoying it while we can.

April 6, 2020

I started making masks, since proper masks are scarce.  I'm using the pattern our local hospital prefers.  The CDC keeps wavering on whether cloth masks help prevent the spread of the virus, but suggested using a bandana or scarf if a surgical mask was unavailable.  Most hospitals seem to agree a homemade mask like this is better than a bandana.  This design has a wire for the nose, and the ties allow you to pull it tight around your face.  I have quite a bit of cotton fabric around, and my husband found some thin copper wire which works perfect.  Now I just need time from homework to get more made.

April 5, 2020

We tilled up a corner near the house which doesn't get frost as bad as the rest of the yard.  We planted some asparagus, onions, and spinach.

April 4, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

April 3, 2020

On Wednesday I got an email officially cancelling my college's graduation ceremony.  I'll get a tassel with my diploma in the mail.  Not quite the same, though I'm more disappointed that my younger son might not get a high school graduation.  We haven't heard from his school yet.

April 2, 2020

April 1, 2020

I got tired of being in the house and made everyone go on a walk.  My daughter returned with some moss, my oldest with a moss-covered rock, the middle one with trash (a deflated mylar balloon we found in the hayfield), and I brought back some daffodils.