Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 31, 2019

One last photo of my kids and my kitties for the year.

December 30, 2019

I'm working on a new wood engraved sign.  This one has a lot of hand painting.

December 29, 2019

This is the front side of my old magazine page.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

December 28, 2019

We had Christmas with my family today.

December 27, 2019

My oldest had a print I framed for Christmas.  It shows the solar system, including planets and asteroids.

Friday, December 27, 2019

December 26, 2019

It was warm today, and nobody had school or work so we got some yardwork done.

December 25, 2019

December 24, 2019

We played a new game for Christmas Eve.

December 23, 2019

One more day on my son's Lego advent calender.  He has gotten a lot of figures.

December 22, 2019

This cat will come when the basement door is opened.  If someone goes downstairs, she will sit and stare at the handle.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 21, 2019

December 20, 2019

Many years ago I bought two Saturday Evening Post covers which have Norman Rockwell paintings on them.  I framed them to hang up at Christmas, but haven't for many years.  I came across them again and cleaned up the glass.  This is the back of one page, from December 2, 1922.  This side was created by a different illustrator, but it's still interesting to see what advertisements looked like nearly 100 years ago.

December 19, 2019

My son made cookies for his class Christmas party happening tomorrow.

December 18, 2019

A headlight went out on my car and the bulb had to be replaced.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

December 17, 2019

He passed the test today.  We were worried about a winter storm warning saying we would get 3 inches of snow and freezing rain, but we didn't get much of anything.  The new driver's license we get have awful photos on them- licenses from the 1950's had better clarity photos on them than the ones we're getting now.  But he'll get it in the mail in about two weeks.  He's excited that he'll be able to drive himself to school now.

December 16, 2019

More driving practice today.  We have somehow accumulated five cones so we used our own cones this time.  Since they're so small we stuck broomsticks inside of them and shoved a pool noodle over them so they don't scratch paint if he hits them.  We borrowed mom's car, since it's small and everything works.

December 15, 2019

I took my younger son out for driving practice.  We found a place with cones set up for the maneuverability test in another town.  Then drove back and forth inside those cones for an hour or two.

December 14, 2019

Friday, December 13, 2019

December 13, 2019

We went to the blimp hangar again this year.  I thought I'd post a photo of the gondola this time.  Compared to the blimp, it looks small but seats up to 14 people.

December 12, 2019

My garlic is still green.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 11, 2019

This is the cost of high school graduation.  Sort of.  The only thing required is the cap/gown/tassel for $36.  The rest is optional, and boy do they have a lot of options!  I find it hard to believe that the "most popular" is the $308 package, especially since there are a lot of low-income families in the area.  I just wanted the cap/gown/tassel, some announcements and the paraphernalia for those, and it came to $119 after tax and "handling".

December 10, 2019

I really like the speckles on this poinsettia.  I got it from a group at school.  I haven't been able to find more like it at the stores.

December 9, 2019

This is what I made with a lathe.  There were several mistakes, but I learned a lot.

December 8, 2019

I had the kids make a holiday chalk drawing.

December 7, 2019

We got the Christmas tree up.

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6, 2019

We finished our lathe projects at school.  My son is putting threads on his project.

December 5, 2019

Our stray kitty sure has made herself at home.

December 4, 2019

We got some more snow.

December 3, 2019

The chick-a-dees like the burning bush seeds.

December 2, 2019

December 1, 2019

My husband painted some game terrain tonight.