Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 30, 2018

I'm guessing this is the same praying mantis as the one I saw on my screen the other day.

September 29, 2018

Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018

September 23, 2018

I've got a few cherry tomatoes still growing.

September 22, 2018

We're getting some slabwood in for firewood.

Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21, 2018

September 20, 2018

September 19, 2018

September 18, 2018

September 17, 2018

This is one of my books for school.  It costs $172, and wasn't even bound.  I had to get a binder.  I guess I should be thankful it came with the holes already punched.

September 16, 2018

September 15, 2018

Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 8, 2018

One of the Pac-man machines has made it's way inside.

September 7, 2018

My husband picked up a virtual reality setup for everyone to play with.

September 6, 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 5, 2018

September 4, 2018

September 3, 2018

We worked on spaghetti sauce today.  Then, we picked grapes and had to sort through them.

September 2, 2018

A balloon landed two houses over this morning.

September 1, 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018

August 31, 2018

We have 4, maybe 5, frogs living in our little goldfish pond.  Shouldn't that mean we have fewer bugs near our deck?  Maybe we do and just can't tell.

August 30, 2018

My husband is still working on fixing some of those video games.

August 29, 2018

August 28, 2018

I'm doing something a little crazy- going back to school.  I'm going to get an associate's degree in mechanical engineering.  The nearest school is in Canton, although it is also one of the cheapest options in the area.  With my classes in the evening, I can get a parking spot very close to the pedestrian bridge.  I have two classes on campus (different nights, unfortunately) and two classes online.  So far, I'm finding the internet has made a big change in college from the last time I was there 20 some years ago.

August 27, 2018

We're having another heat wave.  It makes the pool a nice idea.

August 26, 2018

We had a birthday party today.

August 25, 2018

It took a couple days, but I got some spaghetti sauce canned.