Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30, 2017

We scared up some baby bunnies when we mowed the yard.  We caught 3 of them and took them to the woods, far away from my gardens, and where we mow.

April 29, 2017

I've been making some more signs this week.

April 28, 2017

We got some roly clouds this evening.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27, 2017

This is the dogwood my oldest got in preschool.  This year it has a lot of nice blooms.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26, 2017

My daughter was late getting home.  They had a substitute driver today and I wondered if he had missed our house.  I went outside and looked down the road and could see school bus yellow that wasn't moving, and another family standing out at the end of their driveway.  I rode my bike down, confirming it was our late bus, but there weren't any kids on board, this happened between routes.  I'm not sure how he ended up there- technically, that's the next township.  Our kids showed up on a different bus shortly.  After a while I saw the bus drive by, so apparently it wasn't damaged, just stuck... across the entire road.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25, 2017

The ground in the woods is very green right now.

April 24, 2017

I saw three deer this morning in the front yard.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23, 2017

I heard that Peeps are good toasted over a fire, as the sugar gets nice and crystallized.  We tried it today, they said it was good.

April 22, 2017

April 21, 2017

Apple blossoms.

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 20, 2017

We had a frog on one of our windows tonight.

April 19, 2017

April 18, 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 17, 2017

I took the kids on a bike ride.

April 16, 2017

She's at the end of the egg hunt.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15, 2017

Today was time for the annual egg coloring.

April 14, 2017

I went to a lumber mill and got a pallet of end cuts- short pieces that get cut off ends when they cut something else to size, or there might be some flaw.  It had a lot of poplar, a good bit of oak, some walnut, a little maple, hickory, and cherry.  At $80, it's the cheapest way for me to get wood to make little signs.

April 13, 2017

The dew had formed big drops on all the blades of grass this morning.

April 12, 2017

Pear blossoms.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017

It got warm today, so we went for a walk.

April 8, 2017

My peach trees are starting to bloom.

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017

Our electric went out around 6:10 this morning.  At 6:30 I took my son out to wait by the road for the bus.  Good thing I brought my phone, as school called at 6:48 to cancel school due to power outages around town.  That is the latest they've called off school.  Later, we got a recorded call from the high school principal basically saying school is cancelled, and if you dropped off your kids, they're there with her, come get them.

April 6, 2017

My garlic is growing well this spring.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5, 2017

April 4, 2017

I have lots of lilac blooms coming.

April 3, 2017

My daughter made a bag from duct tape.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017

My son rolled the yard today.  He'll probably have to do it a few more times to even it out better.

April 1, 2017

March 31, 2017

It was a light winter.  He only plowed snow for two or three storms.