Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016

October 30, 2016

I caught him doing some homework.

October 29, 2016

My dad and husband worked on some roof repairs today.

Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

October 27, 2016

My husband has been working on Pole Position to get it working.

October 26, 2016

I worked on carving some snowmen today.

October 25, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016

I've got a few test carvings made.   

October 23, 2016

My parents had some trees trimmed.  It looks like a severe storm came through.

October 22, 2016

October 21, 2016

My husband and daughter played Ms.Pacman today.

October 20, 2016

I'm working on woodwork for a craft show coming up.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016

We stopped at a Lake Erie beach before heading home.

October 15, 2016

We cooked on the campfire tonight.  Once we figured out we could make pizza in our pie irons, it became a tradition.

October 14, 2016

We stayed at a state park near Toledo.  Today we ran up to Greenfield Village to see all the stuff we missed when it was excessively hot in August.  They had it decorated for Halloween, with hundreds of Jack-o-lanterns.  I saw more carved pumpkins today than I have the rest of my life combined.  This picture is from our campground.  It was a nice, clear night, with a full moon.

October 13, 2016

The kids had Thursday and Friday off school, so we took a long weekend vacation.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12, 2016

Today was square dance day at school.

October 11, 2016

I think the feeder goldfish we bought have grown quite a bit.  They're much easier to spot now.

October 10, 2016

I've begun experimenting with using the cnc mill to carve quick little wooden blocks.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 9, 2016

We dug potatoes today.  It was too dry in June and we didn't get very many, and what we got were on the small side.

October 8, 2016

October 7, 2016

I never did figure out if this wall of clouds were coming or going.

October 6, 2016

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2, 2016

The miniature decorative pumpkins did really well this year.  The ones you can carve and eat did not.  The hybrid gourd mixes that came up on their own did well too, and a few of those look interesting.  We got a few birdhouse gourds too.

October 1, 2016