Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June 29, 2016

I found a nest in our grapevine.  There aren't any eggs yet, but there was an unhappy robin chirping at me, so I'm guessing this is hers.

June 28, 2016

Our hayfield hasn't been cut yet.  It's looking very healthy this year, including the weeds.  But that's OK, some of those weeds are pretty flowers.

Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016

June 26, 2016

My garlic is getting flowers.

June 25, 2016

The R.C. plane club across the street had their night flight today.

June 24, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23, 2016

June 22, 2016

My husband got some gravel to go around the pool and in my herb garden path. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

June 18, 2016

My husband learned how to make strawberry jam.

June 17, 2016

My husband and I were outside and the dog walked by a bush near our fence.  Baby finches hopped out of their nest to the ground, so we gathered them up and put them under a bigger tree on the other side of the fence from the dog.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 16, 2016

It's one of those days when storms keep rolling through.  They weren't real bad, but it has been kind of nice to not need to water the garden.

June 15, 2016

June 14, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 11, 2016

We had a big graduation party today for my oldest and niece.  It was hot, but it only rained for a few minutes.  We got to see lots of people we don't see often enough. 

June 10, 2016

I bought some cute little drawing boards.  One side has a chalkboard, and the other is dry-erase.  My son wrote some information on them for the graduation party. 

June 9, 2016

June 8, 2016

I put my son to work painting a wall in the bathroom.

June 7, 2016

I needed my canning jar back, so  my husband had to remove his collection of squishy stress balls.  They made an amusing 'thoop' sound every time he pulled one out of the jar.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 6, 2016

When the camper is in the barn, I keep thinking we should have made the barn bigger.  But when the camper is out, I look around and think wow, this is a big barn.

June 5, 2016

June 4, 2016

My husband has been working on a wood fence.

Friday, June 3, 2016

June 3, 2016

My parents came over and helped spread mulch.  I haven't had mulch in the back yard for about 8 years, since the dog would always just dig it back up.  She's elderly now and doesn't dig quite as much.  I'm not expecting it all to stay in place for the entire summer though, just hopefully long enough for my son's graduation party.

June 2, 2016

We got the pool cleaned out and began filling it.

June 1, 2016

We got the hallway sanded and ready for tape.

May 31, 2016

I've been working on putting in an herb garden.  It still needs something on the path.  I've been working hard on using up the pile of stones we've been collecting from the gardens and digging the pool and barn.

May 30, 2016

They make such cute hats for little girls, but little girls like my niece leave them on for about 3 seconds.  You have to be fast to snap a photo with the hat still on!