Saturday, April 30, 2016

April 30, 2016

My daughter had two pictures in the school district's art show this year.  One was the tree/deer picture above her head. 

April 29, 2016

My blooming trees.

April 28, 2016

My husband got the machine in the barn now to hook up new parts.

April 27, 2016

Apple blossoms.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26, 2016

The apples are starting to bloom now.  They're a pretty pink before they open.

April 25, 2016

April 24, 2016

We mowed for the second time today, and got our first breakdown of the season.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 23, 2016

This is just a very small percentage of the huge number of pear flowers on my dwarf pear.  Another pear we planted a long time ago (that nearly died, and looked pathetic for a decade) is also covered in flowers this year.  The apple trees have a lot of blooms coming too.  I guess the mild winter must have been good for them.

April 22, 2016

April 21, 2016

One of our snails climbed the mast of our sunken ship today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016

The dandelions are back.  My yard turns yellow every day now.

April 19, 2016

My daughter had a school project due tomorrow.  It's about aquatic plants.

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016

We went on a bike ride with the new bikes.

April 17, 2016

We took the boys to the bike shop to get them both good bikes.  I noticed the new bikes had these wider, flared hand grips.  I got a pair for my bike.  It's amazing how much more comfortable these are.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16, 2016

I took the kids on a bike ride today.  The box cars are always neat to look at- they're so big when you get up close to them.

April 15, 2016

We got the mowers on the tractors.  My husband sharpened the blades, so they'll mow a little nicer (until someone runs over a rock).

Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14, 2016

We forced the kids to walk in the woods with us tonight.  The trees don't have leaves yet, but hopefully soon we'll start seeing the little buds.

April 13, 2016

We went to a parent/student presentation today at the college branch campus my oldest is registered to attend.  He's going for an associate degree, starting in August.

April 12, 2016

Teeny tiny apple leaves are starting to appear.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 11, 2016

My husband was a bad influence on my dad again.  He found this for free on Craigslist.  He called my dad, who went up to Cleveland to get it.  It's like the other one dad got recently, though I'm told it's in better shape and might be better (they haven't been able to plug it in yet to see if it runs).

April 10, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 9, 2016

The snow was pretty today, if you forgot it's April.

April 8, 2016

This snow melted today, but there's supposed to be more tomorrow.

April 7, 2016

This is all that's left in my daughter's basket.

April 6, 2016

April 5, 2016

My weeping cherry tree is pretty much dead other than a few branches.  Those few branches though are covered in blooms.

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016

Some of our firewood fell over during the winter.

April 3, 2016

The daffodils weren't fazed by the snow.

April 2, 2016

We got some more snow this evening.

April 1, 2016

My pear tree seems to have a lot of buds on it this spring.