Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 2014

I think this is an older type of rose.  It doesn't bloom for very long, but it smells really good.

June 26, 2014

This is one of the bugs on my wild rose.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

June 24, 2014

My husband sprayed sealer on the barn floor, so that part of the barn is done!

June 23, 2014

We picked three baskets of strawberries and I made a little over 25 pints of jam.  It should be enough to last a year or more.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014

The kill deer moved out today.  The little ones look like fuzzballs on stilts.  They have very long legs for their little bodies.  They crossed the road and disappeared into the large field.

June 21, 2014

The kill deer finally hatched this morning.  All four were eggs last night, and birds early this morning.  When we get close they squish down to hide like this.

Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014

My husband is still working on the tractor.

June 19, 2014

Our blueberry bushes have lots of blueberries this year.  They're green for now though.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18, 2014

We got some hail today.  It's been a long time since I've seen it this big ( 1/4" to 1/2").  It only lasted a few minutes, and didn't seem to damage anything.  My younger son took a transparent bowl out to catch some hail, so now I have hail in my freezer.

June 17, 2014

I bought a concrete, chubby bird on vacation.  It said it was a cardinal, but I think it could also be painted as a bluebird.

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014

We stopped at The Wilds on the way back.  We took a 2 hour bus tour through their area and saw lots of animals.  It was neat to see them in such a large area.

June 15, 2014

We went to a gaming convention in Columbus.  My oldest liked the life size Space Marine statue.  Then we stopped at an ice cream factory/ old mill on the way back.  We missed the last factory tour, but did get to have some good ice cream.

June 14, 2014

We went to the Longaberger Homestead.  They have the world's biggest apple basket.  We also saw their corporate headquarters (the building is shaped like a basket).  Then we stopped in Zanesville at an overlook to see their Y bridge.

June 13, 2014

We're going on a long weekend trip.  We got to the campground as it was getting dark.  It didn't take the kids long to get their stuff set up.

Friday, June 13, 2014

June 12, 2014

We paved the ramp up to the side door along with the inside of the barn.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014

We got the barn floor poured today, and a pad outside the side door.

June 10, 2014

My husband has the tractor in pieces to fix it.

June 9, 2014

Getting the barn ready for cement.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8, 2014

When you get close, red clover looks like a fancy flower.

June 7, 2014

We opened up the camper to de-winterize it.  The kids got a fire going in the fire ring and then we made s'mores. 

June 6, 2014

My dad found a sawmill that has some nice slab wood right now, so he's been making trips getting wood for him, us, and my sister.  We're putting ours in the back for now.  This stack was about as tall as his truck.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5, 2014

We're having a garage sale this weekend at my parents.  I got the truck loaded up with stuff for it.

June 4, 2014

I designed a hot air balloon in the computer and smushed it so it's flat on one side and printed it on the 3-D printer.  I've been wanting to make something like this for a long time.  I'm going to paint them this weekend.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014

Buttercup in the hayfield.

June 2, 2014

The killdeer laid 4 eggs and is sitting on them now.  I never noticed before how red their eyes are- makes them look angry!

June 1, 2014