Saturday, June 29, 2013

June 29, 2013

I was looking for a low-fat dessert, and found angel food cake.  But it only uses egg whites, and I don't want to waste 9 egg yolks, so I make noodles.  If all the fat is in the yolk, and I end up eating the noodles, then I end up eating all the fat anyway.  Oh well, the cake is worth it!

June 28, 2013

We keep getting rain and sun.  These drops were on a grape leaf.  I liked the sun reflecting on so many water droplets.

June 27, 2013

I got a different kind of cabbage this year.  It's leaves are interesting to look at.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013

I had bought some rafts for the kids last year on clearance.  Today they got them blown up and were floating around in the pool

June 26, 2013

Some storms rolled through today.  I managed to get one picture of some lightning.

June 24, 2013

Wild rose.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23, 2013

It was another hot day.

June 22, 2013

We went to a wedding today.  This is my kids with their cousin.

June 21, 2013

The pool was finally warm enough to swim!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20, 2013

My nephew at one of his baseball games (he was playing first base).

June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18, 2013

The kids were fascinated by a painted turtle.

June 17, 2013

June 16, 2013

We went for a bike ride today, and barely made it back before the rain.

June 15, 2013

We picked some strawberries today.  This is some plastic wrap with water drops over the berries.

Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013

Child #2 got braces on this week.  His teeth grew in about the same as my oldest, and the youngest will probably follow suit.  My husband didn't need braces, and my teeth weren't as crooked as the kids.  I don't know where they inherited such teeth, but all three got that gene!

June 13, 2013

The potato plants were killed by a late heavy frost, but the seeds underground were still good and they sprouted right back up.  They seem to be growing a few inches every day now.

June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11, 2013

My daughter and I planted a bed of sunflowers and marigolds.

June 10, 2013

I went for a walk and saw a rabbit.

June 9, 2013

June 8, 2013

We got new sand for under the pool.

June 7, 2013

A picture my younger son drew at school.

June 6, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5, 2013

Today was my younger son's last day at the elementary school.  Next year he'll be at the middle school.  They had a fun day, ending with a tug-o-war.  This was the boys verses the girls (although the girls got a little help from some parents to secure a victory!).

June 4, 2013

Today was my daughter's grade's breakfast at school.  This was the third and last time I get to volunteer for that (I was pregnant with her the first time I did).  There were a lot of parents there this year.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 3, 2013

My husband is fixing our tractor.

June 2, 2013

Blackberry blooming

June 1, 2013

My daughter wanted to go shopping at Target and wrote us a note.  I asked her what 'cheap' meant, and she answered that it is something that costs a lot of money.  Which explains the contents of this note.