Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28, 2013

A page from one of my daughter's many notebooks.

February 27, 2013

Business cards.

February 26, 2013

What is left of my old high school.

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

The full moon today was orange when it rose.

February 24, 2013

We're making a lot of parts for our miniatures.

February 23, 2013

February 22, 2013

My kids' elementary school sang the national anthem at a high school basketball game today.

February 21, 2013

February 20, 2013

February 19, 2013

I was trying to get some photos of snowflakes.

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18, 2013

February 17, 2013

We got a few inches of lake effect snow.  My sister, about 10 mile southeast of me, got about a dusting of snow to our several inches.

February 16, 2013

I found these on clearance... I hadn't seen cherry M&M's before.  They're pretty good.

February 15, 2013

I found this in the ditch out front.  It's very heavy duty and weighs quite a bit.

February 14, 2013

I made some chocolates with peanut butter in them for Valentine's Day.

February 13, 2013

I saw a robin and a bluebird today.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

Daffodils peeking through the mulch.

February 11, 2013

My daughter's ballet class.

February 10, 2013

We saw these two big red-tailed hawks in the back yard today. 

February 9, 2013

It's always interesting when the sun shines on the snow in a way that looks like glitter.

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8, 2013

My daughter finally won a game of Settlers of Catan, mostly on her own.  It's a game recommended for people at least 3 years older than her, which made the win even more exciting.  She's cute though, when she turns in cards she gets a sly smile, and the more cards she's turning in, the more giggly she gets.

February 7, 2013

One of my little pine trees.

February 6, 2013

When my husband plowed the last time, he plowed the path through the grass that the kids walk after they get off the bus, straight to the front door.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5, 2013

My son was sick this morning, from about 4 AM to around 9:30, then he was suddenly over it and spent the rest of the day lounging.

February 4, 2013

My daughter made her own path through the snow.

February 3, 2013

It was my husband's nephew's birthday today.  As well as the Super Bowl.  This was a coin off his cake.

February 2, 2013

It snowed hard all day.  My dog had a blanket of snow on her back in a matter of minutes.  But, she loves snow so she didn't care.

February 1, 2013

My daughter got an academic achievement award today at school.